Tuesday, October 18, 2005

cause it can't just be here...

Of course there's talk of election fraud in Iraq (we all know that Karl Rove is everywhere...)

and speaking of Karl Rove (evil genius), the poison is spreading as folks are now looking not only at him and "Scooter" as well as other's in Darth Cheney's office, but even Andrew Card is getting the once over...about darn time don't ya think?

And if you were wondering, when looking for your daily dose of DeLay denials, where Jack Abramoff had slunk off too, well look no further...


As if the government's severe lack of response wasn't enough, their way of paying for things is even worse. It's been in the papers and e-mails for some time about how Congress plans on cutting Medicaid and other social services that affect mainly the poor rather than cut taxes for top 1% of income earners, but that vote is coming up. MoveOn.org is trying to get up to 20,000 calls in to Congress today. If you haven't already gotten the e-mail from them, I suggest you call your Congressman and let them know that you think this is a not-so-great idea. (I'm on the phone with Senator Clinton's office right now...Shumer's office was busy, but will get back to them...and then to Charles Rangel)...okay got through to all 3 offices, voiced my opinion and Rangel will definitely be opposing the "budget reconciliation". Find out how you're people are going to vote!

And now keep your fingers crossed for the town of Taunton, MA (my Dad's home town) as there is a dam there on the verge of breaking due to last week's massive flooding. The whole center of town could end up under water should it break and the majority of the population has been evacuated. ...like we need any more natural disaters...(did I mention Hurricane Wilma?)

And as Harriet Miers makes her way around Congressional offices, trying to prove she's worthy beyond Bush's praise to be a Supreme Court Justice (particularly after, as reported in the Wall Street Journal yesterday that a couple of her supporters assured the President and his people that she would vote to overturn Roe V. Wade [can't get the article on line :(]), KEEP E-MAILING!! E-mail, call, fax, write your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION! and pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

All right back to the phones and post-show slump...

Peace --Alex


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