Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I told you he looked sketchy...

So i wasn't the only one who felt that the Prez wanted to run when being asked about Karl Rove, among other things...

"this much could be seen watching the tape of NBC's broadcast during Bush's 14-minute pre-sunrise interview, in which he stood unprotected by the usual lectern. The president was a blur of blinks, taps, jiggles, pivots and shifts. Bush has always been an active man, but standing with Lauer and the serene, steady first lady, he had the body language of a man wishing urgently to be elsewhere."

Yeah, ya think? *why can't I just be back in Crawford?...I think that awful Sheehan woman went back to...wherever she's from..."*

And other things that are surely making him twitch? The response to Harriet Miers' response to Sen. Leahy's simple question of "Which Justices do you most admire?" She apparently responded a bit nervously with "Warren". Leahy asked whether it was Warren Burger or Earl Warren and she said "Warren Burger". Well, here's a little blip on Warren Burger:

"Burger is most often remembered among court historians as "not a terribly successful chief justice," said Mark V. Tushnet, a Georgetown University law professor. Before being appointed to the high court, Burger advocated a strict-constructionist view of the Constitution, which many conservatives thought would translate into opposition to things such as school busing and abortion. But after President Richard M. Nixon appointed him chief justice in 1969, Burger frequently disappointed conservatives, never more so than when he concurred in the 1973 Roe v. Wa de decision guaranteeing the right to abortion."

Either this woman really isn't the sharpest tool in the shed or she's just really out to mess with everybody...*though personally I just don't think she's that smart...*

and the GOP still seems to feel the same way...

it's gettin' ugly folks...


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