Friday, June 16, 2006


if I hear the phrase "cut and run" one more time from some fat (or otherwise) Republican I will indeed start throwing things atthe Capitol building.

WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE GONE INTO IRAQ. THE REASON WE HAVE MORE TERROR OVER THERE IS BECAUSE WE ARE THERE. WE SCREWED UP! AND, as John Murtha pointed out, there is also the situation with insurgents fighting each other with our soldiers caught in the middle. Our soldiers need to go. And they need to go now. Now it can be a pullout by degrees, but it needs to happen. Things most likely will calm down once our people actually LEAVE. If Iraq is ever going to be independent as our administration appears to believe it ought to be, it's time to stop holding their hand and let them work on this governing thing. Our being there is NOT helping the situation.

The majority of this Congress is an insult to the American people, man.

There was more I had to say, but man, I'm delirious from three days of tech and opening night panic.

Peace --Alex


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