Monday, June 05, 2006

it is positively sad...

when the big issue George spoke out on today was of all things, gay marriage. Gay marriage is what is wrong with the world today...not Iraq and the fact that the administration, while finding out about the Haditha massacre back in MARCH, but said (and most likely did) nothing about it til reporters brought it up last week (yeah, NOW he wants an investigation...which present reports have shown that the Marines involved were essentially re-enacting Mi Lai in Iraq...further proof that these soldiers are stretched to thin and physically and mentally); not Iran; not a continuing crisis withAIDS; not gas prices and the energy crisis; not issues with FEMA and the continued pathetic state of New Orleans; not the fact that New York and Washington, D.C. are having Homeland Security funds slashed because we supposedly have no landmarks worth targeting...(oh and that we have had our share of funds...and apparently the paperwork was not completed properly...)

Nope nope nope...these things are not important. At least not to Bush's ever retreating base. What is important to them and the President is making sure that people who love each other and want to give themselves to each other with the taking of vows before God (or Goddess or just their friends) are banned from doing this with a constitutional amendment...I figure the founding fathers are rolling in their graves that a president would want to put a discriminatory amendment in the Constitution, but perhaps that's just me.

Bush blames "activist judges" (not an election year) for driving him to supporting this amendment, though a Congressman I just heard on NPR made decent point: a good number of these "activist judges" were voted in by the Republican Congress and administration. Harry Reid has also been speaking out basically asking "why the heck are we even TALKING about this?"

Most likely, this amendment will not get through, but it can't hurt to call your Congressfolk juuuuuust in case...and to remind them to work on some REAL issues right now, as I-and the majority of Americans- really don't believe that my friends Doug and Shawn's wedding in a couple of weeks is a harbinger of the impending downfall of morality in America. What it is is a harbinger of love.

Peace --Alex


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