Monday, May 15, 2006

KGB at the White House

I mean, we already knew the White House was into wiretapping, but to hear that ABC reporter Brian Ross has had his calls tapped by the CIA since he broke the story about the secret prisons...if not before...good lord, people!

apparently a federal source came to him and said "It's time for you to get some new cell phones, quick,"...

IN THE MEANTIME...if you missed Saturday Night Live this past weekend...or you just want to see it again and wax poetic on what could have been, you MUST see this link...Al Gore...Mr. President...*sniffle...giggle...sniffle*

AND with two of my good friends getting married soon, I thought I would pass this on from the Human Rights Campaign who are trying to stop the Federal Marriage Amendment from getting through. This ridiculous amendment would amend the constitution to make the definition of marriage as of that between a man and a woman. AMEND THE CONSTITUTION...send a card, email, call, write, fax your Congressfolk and remind them that this adminsitration is already playing fast and loose with the Constitution; they need not taint it and their reputations further by agreeing to this amendment (particularly when Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium and Canada...and Massachusetts have already made gay marriage LEGAL).

That's the short and sweet of it today...

Peace --Alex


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