Monday, April 10, 2006

the big yodel...

In the movie Mars Attacks, it is realized that a record of yodeling made the brains of aliens explode. The lead kid and his grandma drive around in a big truck with speakers, causing alien heads to explode all around them.

I think this list of headlines from the Washington Post online might have the same effect on the White House:

Bush's Job Approval Rating Continues to Swoon (By Richard Morin)

NATO Role in Darfur On Table: U.S. Backs Move To Send Advisers (By Bradley Graham and Colum Lynch)

Christian Coalition Shrinks as Debt Grows (By Alan Cooperman and Thomas B. Edsall)

Organizers Expect Crush for Immigrant Rights Rally: Up to 180,000 Protesters May Converge on Mall (By Nancy Trejos and Aruna Jain)

Calif. Race Could Signal Partisan Shift: Democratic Front-Runner Hails From GOP District (By John Pomfret)

Specter Says Bush, Cheney Should Explain Leak (By Walter Pincus)

And then there's this article from Greg Palast...

and this article by White House favorite Seymour "STOP TALKING TO HIM!" Hersch in the New Yorker (which is being reference by other papers such as Agence France...) yes George, people know you're heading for Iran next...

and then this article in the New York Times about how yet another general wants Rumsfeld out AND for active-duty officers to speak out about the war.

And it just keeps coming and wanna add to it? KEEp EMAILING!!! Email, call, fax, write your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk (them in particular) and let them know how you feel about how this administration has been manipulating everything from leaks and the war to education and medicare. And as always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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