Wednesday, March 08, 2006

everybody's eating the brown acid...

cause why the hell else would Tom DeLay WIN his GOP primary in Texas?

then again, it is Texas...

And we have to remember that, despite the allegations, idictment and even recently rendered GOP jail time, these buggers are still in power the prime examples being:

The Patriot Act (with some moderations) has been returned to Bush's desk for his 'X'...

AND the GOPers in the Senate, after negotiating with Satan-I mean Dick Cheney, have decided that they do not need to open a proper investigation of illegal wire-tapping. See, in this new little piece of leglisation, there will be a new 7 member subcommittee started up called the "terrorist survelillance subcommittee" to which the White House will have to report all the details of the [illegal wire-tapping] NSA program. But basically the White House will be the ones giving out the "detailed info"...some people got some favors taken care of by the sound of it. Or were threatened (*grrr* "See, uh...we tapped some of your phones and well...)

And speaking of Dick threatening people...yesterday he decided to threaten Iran with "meaningful consequences" if they did not put an end to their evil nuclear plans. He appears to not realize that they are most likely building nuclear weapons cause they're afraid of US...they've seen Iraq..they don't want that kind o' mess. (makes me think of a recent sung re-wording of a blues song "gonna flush ya out and shoot ya, Mr. Cheney told me so") So, of course, Iran says they will cause "harm and pain" upon the US (particularly when they get that first bomb made)...

Though Dick can't get to everybody...yet...apparently the Senate plans on blocking the Dubai/ports deal, and there are more Republicans hoppin' mad about this than anybody...*and all of a sudden on the floor of Congress, various outspoken Republicans one taking notice of Darth Cheney using his powers of the Dark Side...*

So while ducking from Dick's gaze, KEEP E-MAILING! E-mail, call, write, fax your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!!! and as always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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