Thursday, February 16, 2006

what are our talking points today?

Word and phrase of the day are:

"accuracy" and Katharine Armstrong is an "expert on hunting".

Dick Cheney waited 5 days before going to his safe place-Fox News-to make a public statement about shooting his hunting buddy Harry Whittington in the face (and neck and chest, leaving buckshot close enough to his heart that the man had a heart attack and remains in the hospital).

Apparently he waited 5 days because he (and his people) wanted the most "accurate" story to get out there...obviously he could not get his own story straight.

Why did he first go to Katharine Armstrong (a day later) and ask her to go to a LOCAL paper to announce this? Because she was an "eye witness" (after the fact) and is an "expert on hunting" (it's her ranch and she is the former hunting and gaming head of Texas) and was the best person to make the spokesperson for this incident (besides himself and his own staff). The reason of going to a LOCAL paper was not quite explained, though Cheney did defend his actions (he wanted it to just GO AWAY).

Though you gotta give him credit for doing something the administration generally doesn't do...take full responsibility...

*Cheney has since disappeared into an "undisclosed location" and will not be seen in public again for some time as he has to get back to running the country and figuring out how the blow up the UN without it looking like our administration was involved.

because IN THE MEANTIME...the UN has called that the US either charge the Guantanamo detainees or set them free and close up shop. Of course, Bush and Co. are of course shaking their heads condescendingly and saying "Oh...UN...we can't do that...remember that whole 'it'll make us look weak' thing?...yeah...yeah...Abu Ghraib is nothin' compared to what we got goin' on at Gitm---wait...wasn't supposed to say that..."

And speaking of our dealings with Arabs...our administration does love to outsource and they want to sell various port operations to a United Arab Emirates based company...which of course has many lawmakers goin' "Um...wait a minute..."

and speaking of outsourcing...Apparently most compnaies are looking at "new economies with STRONG EDUCATION SYSTEMS"...something our administration knows nothing about...

So while you ponder how the administration can still POSSIBLY have any support...KEEP E-MAILING!!!! E-mail, fax, write, call your friends and family, the press and your COngressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!!! It appears to be working while further serious investigation needs to be done, Congress is hearing the complaints and the press are getting the idea SO KEEP NAGGING!!!!

Peace --Alex


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