Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Stevie Wonder makes a good point...

I was listening to the Talking Book album this morning and there is a line in the song "Big Brother" that goes:

"I don't even have to do nothin' to you. You'll cause you're own country to fall..."

The new Zogby poll says that Bush's approval rating has gone back down to 39%, more people are seeing Iraq as a partisan war, the ACLU and the Center for Constitutional Rights are suing the government for spying on their communications with foreign clients (mainly Arabs being held in Guantanamo and other sites and have yet to be charged), and despite all the talk of progress in Iraq, a reporter who was kidnapped last week may be killed on Friday if terrorist demands for the US to release 8 female Iraqi prisoners are not met.

Oh and don't forget the scandal that continues amidst congress where Speaker Hastert has been awful quiet of late...though apparently the Republicans are looking to (finally) make restrictions on lobbying...I just wanna see the language they use as one cannot doubt that there may be some loopholes if they're setting it up...I mean, come on, the sub-headline is "Some oppose ban on privately funded trips"...

And then there is Alito ("Alitooooo, I just dodged a judge named Alitoooooo"). The Dems have delayed the vote a week so this the time to CALL, EMAIL, FAX, and/or WRITE your Senators and Congressfolk and let them know how you feel about Alito and that you would prefer that they vote against his nomination. During the hearings, it was proven that he is merely another Thomas and Scalia (and potentially Roberts as Roberts voted with Thomas and Scalia on the Oregon death-with-dignity case) and as he is ready to "leave the door open" for a reversal of Roe v. Wade, it is imperative that you get out there and make sure your Congressfolk get an earful from you about this. Particularly after today's vote that, while essentially avoiding a vote on their first abortion case in 5 years, Sandra Day O'Connor did write that it the appellate court that had banned the NH law on parental notification was overstepping its bounds.

And shall I also mention the 2002 memo that was found recently that talks about how a transfer of uranium between Niger and Iraq was "'unlikely' because of a host of economic, diplomatic and logistical obstacles..."

and lastly, there for all to see, was Al Gore mincing no words when he said that the Bush administration was breaking the law when they started spying on people without warrants...thanks to my friend Fred, you can see the whole speech right here.

The walls are indeed crumbling, and like on the last episode of "My Name Is Earl" where Earl ended up being the hands of karma- without even realizing it- that fell upon the nasty fast food manager played by John Favreau, we too can be the (not so) unwitting hands of karma that bring this administration down...except

SO KEEP E-MAILING!!! E-MAIL, CALL, WRITE, FAX your friends and family, the press and your COngressfolk and let them knwo that you are PAYING ATTENTION!!! and pass it on, pass it on, pass it on :)

Peace --Alex


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