Friday, January 13, 2006


this is just a sad state of things...Alito could be confirmed any minute...Schumer and Kennedy and Leahy did hammer at the questions, but Alito who has shown that he definitely shares philosophies with Scalia and Thomas (duh!), looks like he'll get the nod. And Roe V. Wade could go yet.

I mean, for all the conservatives and just people who say "There's no WAY Roe v. Wade would be overturned. No one would allow it", well the headlines have said that this man would "leave the door open to reversing Roe v. Wade". And with this administration and that court, anything could happen. Time to hunker down ladies and all folks who are pro-choice...or really pro-life as we care about the lives of women and unwanted children.

CALL, EMAIL, WRITE, FAX YOUR CONGRESSFOLK PEOPLE and let your voice be heard on this!!! and do it NOW!


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