Friday, January 06, 2006

does the IV travel?

As George and Co. head out on the latest PR tour for the presidency ("the economy IS okay! Iraq IS progressing! The wiretapping is NOT illegal! I gave back my Abramoff money!") I just begin to wonder if the Jack Daniels IV attached to his desk is portable? Or perhaps one the of the secret service guys is there strictly to provide the president with a bulletproof flask?

I mean, besides George having to defend his presidency, the man actually had to sit down with former secretaries of state and generals to discuss Iraq (I say he HAD to sit down with them as I just don't picture him as the guy that suggested this meeting happen...) and "hear things that he didn't like"...

On thing that killed me yesterday was seeing Dick Cheney defend the illegal wiretapping saying that if we'd had it earlier, we might have prevented 9/11...Um...last check...there was some extremely obviously titled memo about terrorists- "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the US." - as I recall...and other threats and reports that were not looked into - PAYING ATTENTION TO THOSE may have prevented 9/11...I was so ready to run over and dopeslap that man upside the head when I heard that business...and as I recall, no pundits have brought this up as yet, so you might want to send a note to your local and national news agency to bring this up next time Darth Cheney tries to defend the wiretapping with that claptrap...

At least we can have a nice chuckle over the Abramoff fiasco...the GOPers are just twitching in their boots and even Newt Gingrich is sayin' "DeLay...Um, Tom...I think it's time you, you know...step down..." AND suddenly there's a charitable boom amidst the crusty indictable bunch...

AND Samuel (Sc)Alito apparently has "been warned" by Senate Democrats that he may recieve "pointed questions" during his hearing and the plan is to delay judgement til the end of the month rather than a quick and easy confirmation, as hoped for by the administration...

And speaking of chuckles...David Letterman slammed Bill O'Reilly the other night. Never quite seen Dave like this and it is something to see...and you can see it at O'Reilly's site even...

IN THE MEANTIME....KEEP E-MAILING!!!! It appears to be working but there's always more work to do! E-mail, call, write, fax your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!!! and as always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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