Tuesday, January 03, 2006

If I may steal from wonkette...

Happy Abramoffukkah!

I doubt anyone can find Pepto, Alka Selzter, Rolaids or Valium in the nation's capitol these days as GOPers and some Dems alike are twitching with the knowledge that the ever infamous Jack Abramoff has signed off on a plea bargain with federal prosecutors...heh heh heh...can ya hear the shredders? the whir of hard drives being erased?

IN THE MEANTIME...who knew? Apparently somebody got to the Homeland Security office and said, "You know what? Why IS Wyoming getting more Homeland Security Aid...other than it being Cheney's home state?" They are actually restructuring things so that cities and states under the most threat (New York, Los Angeles, Boston, etc) will get the most money. Wow! What a concept! Only took 'em 4 years to figure that one out. Now if we can only get them to actually find Osama Bin Laden...

The hearings for Samuel Alito start up next Monday and the Washington Post has done their analysis and figured out that while sometimes you can't tell just what side he's on, for the most part, he's just what Bush is looking for...(ya might want to send a note to your Senator about this?)

Oh and if you forgot that Bush was still pushing for this, as the short extension of the present Patriot Act passes, Bush is pulling his "if you're not with us you're against us" thing saying that "partisan" people (translation: the Democrats...not including the Republicans who want to make some changes) "don't want protect the country". ...I listen to that on the news and admittedly my gut reaction is just to want to go up and give him a dopeslap and just say "You...STUPID..BUGGER!" all the while smackin' him upside the head. I know it can't just be me....

Yeah, cause he's been so good at protecting the country by creating a breeding ground in Iraq for terrorists, not having enough Homeland Security funds to protect our rather naked ports, and NOT YET HAVING FOUND OSAMA BIN LADEN...yeah, good job there, man...stellar...

All right so as you ponder how Bush with spying on Americans and promoting torture along with the aforementioned above is somehow NOT inspiring some hatin', KEEP E-MAILING!!! E-mail your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!!! And as always pass it on, pass it on, pass it on! It's a new year and we gotta lotta work to do!

Peace --Alex


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