Sunday, March 19, 2006

3 years...

This weekend, we mark the 3rd anniversary of the Iraq War. Protests were held all over the world yesterday. It is said that organizers found that crowds were smaller than expected but, while the crowds may have been smaller, they still got out there; the people are still upset and still want out. And more people feel this way everyday. 72% of the soldiers in Iraq want us out of Iraq by the end of the year. 34% of the American people still support the president. 80% of Iraqis think the violence will deteriorate in their country if the US leaves. In a new CBS poll, 47% of those asked said if was not very likely that we would succeed in Iraq compared to 15% who believed that we woul succeed. William Bennett said on CBS Sunday morning that radical Islam is on the rise and we must be the ones to stop it. What he fails to realize is that is on the rise right now because of our occupation which has inspired so many to join the radicalists.

It is time to get out of Iraq. It is time to let Iraq govern itself and actually be the independent nation the administration intially claimed it wanted it to be.

Peace --Alex


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