Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I think I mentioned...

in a previous entry that if I heard the phrase "We are safer but not yet safe" one more time I would run screaming down 56th Street.

Did ya hear me?

Here I am, all tanned and relaxed and enlightened after Burning Man and I come back to that...

As well as emails everybody should respond to from True Majority, Harry Reid about nagging your Congressfolk to request Rumsfeld's resignation. That man's arrogance has been dangerous and insulting to our VOLUNTEER troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and, as he had previously tried to resign twice before, he might be allowed to do it now. Or as he appears too cocky to leave, we might as well just boot the man.

Act For Change is asking folks to nag ABC to cancel a documentary report about 9/11 they have planned that they claim is objective, but turns out to be as fair and and balanced as Fox News. Click away, my friends, click away...

As for Burning was relaxing and chaotic at the same time and overall just wonderful and inspiring.

Here are a few things I learned while there:


*how many guys are into wearing utilikilts
*how popular fuzzy vests, boots and coats are
*how many fire twirlers there really are in the world (and if I have my way, I will join them)
*how much you end up really wanting to build a doubledecker party bus
*the power of LED lights
*how popular large colored dreds are
*how important the two words "shade structure" really are
*how much you want to avoid Hare Krishnas and their music until you are camped next to them...and they are trying to compete with the club music next door...
*how much you will appreciate a dust free environment (yet, you miss the dust when you get back in the "default world")
*the power of playa dust until you are trying to get it out of your rental car before you return it...and the rental company has a "Burning Man Fee"

*how generous folks really can be with their services, their knowledge, their food, drink and shade
*how gorgeous a dawn, sunset or night on the playa can be
*what an alternate universe the place becomes at night
*how sweet a "solar shower" really can be after a hot morning (and body painting)
*how awesome dancing at the "Belgian Waffle" could be
*how head clearing the experience is
*how sweet and surprising a proposal at The Man can be...

yes, you read right...we're at The Man, the stars above us, the LED lights below and next thing I know the boyfriend was down on one knee with a velvet box...

I AM AN ENGAGED WOMAN!!! HA! Who the hell knew?!?!?!

No date yet, no real plans, but it's gonna happen.


Peace --Alex


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