Thursday, August 24, 2006


I suppose it must be a bit like Chinese Water Torture for the White House...drip drip drip...

drip...the polls indicate more and more people who are against the war in Iraq and don't trust the White House, hence leaving George to argue, " could be worse..."

drip...the Daily Show editing team-I so need to send them a basket of muffins-caught this soundbite from the Bush press conference earlier this week:

Reporter: "So what does Iraq have to do with September 11th?"

Bush: "Nuthin'!"

drip...there was a withdrawal starting up, but not anymore...particularly when it's getting harder to replace the soldiers already in Iraq so the Marines are using that "involuntary recall" part of a soldier's contract. Many of these soldiers have already done two tours in Iraq

drip...two FOX News guys were captured in Gaza and a new terrorist group not previously heard of claimed responsibility (yeah..that's "progress"...)

drip...the GOP are getting crankier with the White House and while they believe that Iran's nuclear ambitions are more...shall we say, ambitious, than they let on, Rep. Peter Hoekstra of MI put it best when he said that "We want to avoid another 'slam dunk'"...

drip...It's been one year since Hurricane Katrina and the debacle that followed...and continues

drip...further proof that the housing boom is near bust...

drip...The FDA finally crawled out from under the influence of the White House and said "YES, you CAN get 'Plan B' over the counter!" About damn time...

drip...and last but not least....Astromoners at a conference declared today that Pluto is no longer a planet. as a scorpio with pluto as my ruling "planet" (now merely ruling "ice ball") this is so gonna mess with my horoscope..gah!


...can ya hear Dick Cheney grumbling? *grrrrrrrrrr...*

Keep the flow going and KEEP E-MAILING!!! Email, call, fax, write, your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION! and as always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on...

Peace --Alex


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