Friday, August 12, 2005

Bush and pulling out...

Wow, that could be taken the wrong way...

ANYWAY...Bush apparently confused the nation further as he spoke from Crawford, Texas about potential troop pullout from Iraq. He talked about sending several thousand troops home possibly in the spring, but then also said that if we pullout "before the mission is over", it's a "sign of weakness" to the terrorists. So it remains fuzzy on when troops could come home, and it looks like, depsite acknowledging Cindy Sheehan, he's not making any plans during his remaining 4 or so weeks of vacation to meet with her.


speaking of 'bout that Constitution? Apparently it's due Monday...I think it may be time to ask for an extension..

and just so y'all know, I know the President keeps talking about how we are safer today, but I do wonder if we had actually gone after Osama Bin Laden in the first place, if we'd be getting this kind this kind of threat...

And as things are a little crazy with taking care of all this business, it appears that nobody wants to stay working in the Justice office...

And speaking of justice, this weekend, the people that brought you "Justice Sunday" are bringing you "Justice Sunday II" (don't you think they should've stopped with just one?), though this time, they are getting more criticism from religious leaders such as the Rev. C. Welton Gladdy of the Interfaith Alliance saying: "'Those in public office must never make religion the lens' through which constitutional matters are decided." Has anyone told this to George?

And Tom Delay-remember him?-must be drinking Pepto today as Jack Abramoff has been indicted on casino start...

So while you ponder how Bush is going to explain his iffy Iraq agenda-and will he escape his people and try to do it for himself?-KEEP E-MAILING!!! E-mail, call, fax, write, your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!!! And as always pass it on, pass it on, pass it on...and send some love to Cindy Sheehan...

Peace --Alex


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