Monday, August 01, 2005

Bush's man at the UN

Yes, Bush, thumbing his nose at the Senate, decided to go with that recess appointment option and is sending John "Yosemite Sam" Bolton here to New York to represent us at the UN. Won't that make the UN more of a terror target? Or does it just mean we're going to hear about more about temper tantrums ("what do you MEAN he went over my head? I don't CARE if that's who he reports to, I'M the AMBASSADOR!")? The cronyism continues...

And speaking of cronyism, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia passed away and Bush pal Prince Abdullah now takes over...

Oh and wait, there's more...Judge Roberts...we still don't have his Bush 41 records, but one can only imagine that if he was as influencial in the Reagan administration when it came to civil rights issues-among other subjects-as declared in this article, then it could be possible that he had the same-or more-influence during the Bush 41 years...hence, wouldn't it be nice to see those records, hmmmm? particularly when it would be good to see the evolution of his opinions as he and his conservative "band of brothers" worked at "creat[ing] new legal precedents that impeded minority rights in employment, housing, voting and education..." No wonder George likes him so much ("he has a good heart...")

And speaking of John Roberts and that night he blacked out and joined the Federalist Society-cause that can be the only reason he can't remember being part of a FS steering committee (though he apparently never paid the membership he wasn't really a member...supposedly...though you don't need to pay dues)'s either blacking out, or the fact that the Federalist Society is "the source of ever-swelling myth, mystery, insinuation, denial and debate." And I'll admit, that is I was connected with the people who were helping out Swiftboat Veterans, Paula Jones, and Kenn Starr, I'd probably deny my membership as well...

And speaking of denial, it's time for the "things George doesn't want to hear" category of the day:

Yes George, even MORE people think you suck at your job, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll. It was %48, but now %50 of people find you "unfavorable"...

And now let's move to Iraq:
"In a lawsuit filed in federal court here in December, the former C.I.A. officer, whose name remains secret, said that the informant told him that Iraq's uranium enrichment program had ended years earlier and that centrifuge components from the scuttled program were available for examination and even purchase." Yeah I don't think George's advisors read that article for him today...

And the spin team are sure to be working on the news that two Gitmo prosecutors complained about how they feel the war crimes trial system for detainees "had been secretly arranged to improve the chance of conviction and to deprive defendants of material that could prove their innocence."

And I just think that George's people will not appreciate the photo that goes along with the article in the Times about how Iraq's going to have a constitution by the deadline...really they will...

And now for "Stupid Republican Governors of Democratic States)...George Pataki, a pro-choice advocate, has decided to veto the bill that would allow women and girl access to the "morning after" pill.

"The governor revealed his position after he was asked about plans by Naral Pro-Choice New York, to start a nationwide television advertising blitz intended to pressure him into backing the bill."

He also was stirred, like Mit Romney of MA, by his plan on running for president and the need to keep the conservatives happy...Well, Romney did not get his way, and perhaps this will merely be symbolic (and just silly) for Pataki as well...

At least we have some hope from Ruth Conniff...

And with that I say, KEEP E-MAILING!!! E-mail, call, fax, write your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!! Like the women I met at a fabulous networking party I went to Saturday night; several of whom are looking to head to DC in September, and one of whom brought up another good group to check in on called Demos. And as always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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