Wednesday, March 02, 2005

morning: thirty seconds at a time...

okay, the only reason I am late with the entry today is because I have been sitting in a "virtual holding room" at Red trying in vain to get opening day tickets. The refresh the page to let you know your fate every thirty seconds and as nearly an hour has passed since they opened up this page, I have a feeling my mom and I will NOT be seeing the Sox get the their rings...and then play the Yankees. Even if she's in left field and I'm in the bleechers (of course they only have scattered singles and obstructed view right now), but then again, what else are cell phones for?

Otherwise, in the news today, not only is Bush pushing his faith- based initiatives, BUT the Supreme Court gets to decide whether or not the Ten Commandments can be put outside or in a court building. Now I consider myself a Christian woman but I know that there is 1) a reason for separation of church and state 2) a whole lot of people of OTHER FAITHS come through judicial buildings and 3) these conservative fanatics are making the rest of look horrendously bad. And of course, already, Anotonin Scalia is saying "I don't see why one is good and the other is bad"...

(waiting thirty seconds)

And here's a great one for the "things george doesn't want to hear" category, Bill Frist, of all people, has said that due to the present conflicts, the Social Security vote may be delayed a year and may not include the private accounts.

(and another 30 seconds go by...)

With Rehnquist retiring, George is handing in his list of nominees, many of whom are the same as last year. And it's going to be ugly. At least at, you can sign a petition asking your Congressfolk to rethink those nominations and not allow these people to be reconsidered.

(dammit how many people ARE ahead of me?)

Yesterday, I mentioned how Rummy is getting sued by Human Rights groups who say the buck does not just stop with the soldiers following orders...and apparently they have proof that he knew the abuse was going on. I say more power to these people.

(did I miss my turn?)

And for all the people who say the insurgency is weakening...well a judge and lawyer who were part of the Hussein tribunal were assassinated yesterday. And I don't think I have to mention the continuing violence over there...

And speaking of the violence over gotta love how towns in Vermont are having town meetings over whether to bring troops home. Rock on Dummerston (and other towns as well). Now before you say anything about those liberal Vermonters, this is not just some ploy, this is a state full of small towns who's populations have many reservists over in Iraq, and as they see their children, spouses, parents, etc left there longer and longer in harms way with no proper explanation they want to be able to have the choice to explore other options: like bringing these men and women home. And I wouldn't doubt that this is happening in other states...or will.

(I'm just trying to get these tickets for my mom! ...okay and for me as well)

And speaking further on of the architects of this whole debacle, Paul Wolfowitz, is up for the job of -gasp- the World Bank. Thankfully Carelton Fiorina is also up for this job-not sure how much better she would be but anyone over Wolfowitz really. I just want to know who set up the open bar, coke table and hookers at the World Bank to convince them that that Wolfowitz is the one of the only people right for that job? *you should go to wonkette to see her response in yesterday's entry*

IN THE MEANTIME...for your chuckle of the day..."Bubba" the lobster-a 22 pounder caught off Nantucket and shipped to Pittsburgh-is getting a reprieve from being made into one heck of a lobster dinner. he is being sent to a museum instead as he may be about 100 years old...and is juct frickin' huge...(how many people made a connection between Bubba the lobster and Clinton?)

All right, back to the virtual waiting room I go, but you, you KEEP E-mailing!! E-mail, call write, fax, your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!! Like when you go to True Majority and set up your own "cookie budget" and show them what the budget SHOULD look like. And always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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