Friday, February 18, 2005

So right after George says he would not "rule out" raising taxes on those who make $90,000 or more in order to take care of Social Security, two Republicans essentially say "Them's fightin' words! You can't raise taxes!!" Yep, Tom DeLay and Dennis Hastert (of course) have assured George that they will not allow this to happen. *can you just see George sitting there in his big oval office chair, sulking, hearing "clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you..."...isn't that just he song for DC anyway?*

In the "stating the obvious" category...there is an article in the Times today about this Class Action Suit bill that Bush has signed today-yes, it's yet another highly ridiculous bill disenfranchising anyone who may be trying to have a suit against a big company based on discrimination, environmental isses, etc etc.-and in said article is a photo of business lobbyists, with this in caption: "the business lobby played a strong role in re-electing the President" THINK?!?!

and speaking of business and the Prez, Paul Krugman, verified my suspicions about Alan Greenspan, because, while he may add all these cautions and such, he still essentially just gave the thumbs up to George's Social Security plan. *has anyone checked his bank account to see if there've been any new deposits? you know, like the journalists getting paid off the promote the Bush agenda...*


Yep, once again, we have nearly an entire section devoted to the "Things George Doesn't Want To Hear" category, such as:

Vladimir Putin, fellow cowboy in Moscow, has said, after meeting the Iranian security chief "Iran is not making nuclear we will continue to help them with their nuclear program..."

Arnold Schwarzenegger has been in DC asking for fund help for CA and he's looking to redistrict his state. Now before y'all think back to the Texas debacle arranged by Tom DeLay, apparently, the redistricting would end up more beneficial for the democrats...therefore all the GOPers are twitching (as if his being pro-choice and pro-stem cell research wasn't enough!)

(you gotta thank my friend Fred for passing this one on to me) Richard Perle was at a debate with Howard Dean, and we all know that they have quite different views about the Iraq war. As did the person threw a shoe at Mr. Perle while he was at the podium (yes there's a photo with the blur of said shoe in motion).

And in the "scariest article ever" category...Karl Rove (evil genius) was speaking at GOP PAC meeting yesterday (that included a surprise visit from Dick Cheney!). He was introduced by Wayne LaPierre (president of the National Rifle Association) and his main quote of the day was how conservatism is "the dominant political creed in America"...GAH! If you read the whole article it might be good have a friend with you..."Don't grow tired..." or complacent he says, as we still must take over the WORLD!!!

Yes, if we may actually use the words of Karl Rove (evil genius), "Don't grow tired..." and KEEP E-MAILING!!! E-mail, call, write, fax, your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that YOU ARE PAYING ATTENTION!!! And pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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