Tuesday, February 15, 2005

"Did I say $80 Billion?.."

"I meant $82 Billion for Iraq and Afghanistan...that sounds right doesn't it?"
George, George, George...you know you're not getting this past the Democrats, don't you? I love how apparently, after some needling from Congress, he did apparently give in to a detailed list of how this money would be spent. $75 Billion would go to Iraq (including replacing and fixing damaged or destroyed equipment-do parents who bought body armor and such get a piece of this?-training Iraqi soldiers and having money for the increased death benefit), the rest would go to tsunami relief and other defense stuff. Overall, looks like the war will cost over $300 BILLION dollars. And why am I feeling a little sketchy about George's "details"...he's never been good about disclosing them all before...you might want to e-mail or call your Congressfolk about looking into all those details before giving this the rubber stamp.

And speaking of George taking our money and running with it...the Washington Post yesterday had an article about how with the deficit ballooning along with our budget, whoever takes over in 2008 is going to be stuck with one hell of a financial mess that will be hard to fix due to legislation passed over the last four years. You gotta love all the talk within a month of George's retaking of the office about who will run and potentially take over in 2008. Everybody's like "well, we gotta deal with this doofus now, but who the hell can we get when he gets out? We gotta find somebody NOW..."

IN THE MEANTIME...George ain't the only one who's gotten a little cockier entering their second term. Laura's breaking out! She's fired the White House chef, pastry chef, and social secretary. She also-gasp!-held a PARTY for Valentine's Day and is looking into making her own mark on policy, basically stepping up for at risk youth. And while you'd never know it to look at her husband's record with the environment, she apparently is a proponent of environmental issues-particularly that of foreign flora and fauna invading local habitats (sounds kind of...appropriate no?), but she's not bringing that up at the White House.

Speaking of the environment...apparently as Bush Clean Air Act is just that abominable, it has sparked quite the wave of lobbying against it. I think you ought to send a note to these people and tell them to keep it going! :):):)

and speaking of people giving George a hard time...the Dems, much to his people's chagrin are continuing to stand firm against the Social Security plan. Yee Ha! Again, send them notes and tell them to keep up the fight, man :)

And speaking of people we should give props to: Maya Keyes. Who is Maya Keyes you ask? Maya Keyes is Alan Keyes' (formal Prez candidate and the ONLY guy the Republicans could come up with to go against Barack Obama in Illinois for the Senate race: needles to say he lost) daughter. She is 19 and a lesbian. Not only that she is a lesbian ACTIVIST. Hence, her father has stopped paying her college tuition, kicked her out of the house and should get a whole lot of nasty mail, don't you think?

All right, due to the day job taking over I ahve to stop here, but I'll be back tomorrow and in the meantime will leave you with this fact that may ease the minds of many a lobster eater. According to a study in Norway, lobsters apparently do NOT feel pain once dropped into boiling water. Thank you CNN for giving me the good news (I've TRIED to be a vegetarian...I swear...but then there's really good Maine or Northshore, MA losbter...mmmmmmm).

And while you're straining butter, KEEP E-MAILING! E-mail, call, write, fax your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!!! ANd, as always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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