Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Osama and Al...

*to the tune of "O Venus"* Osaaaama...Osaaaama! hear me if you will/ I know you're out there/ running in the hills/ and branching out/ asking Zarqawi to help youuu/ blow up the US/ Osaaaaama! Osaaaama!

Yes, Osama, who, at least according to a quote on the Today Show this morning, shows no signs of worry that he'll be caught, had one of his messages intercepted. He's apparently been talking to Al Zarqawi about attacking US interests "outside Iraq". As usual, there are no specifics, but ain't it nice to know that Zarqawi's movin' up in the world?

*meanwhile Saddam sits in a prison muttering to himself...*

and speaking of detainees...Bush and friends have been told that Jose Padilla, who has been detained for over 2 years without being charged, must be released or charged formally. He's been held as an enemy combatant all this time as it suspected he was planning to build a dirty bomb...but as there's not enough evidence to prove all this, they've just held him for talking trash. Of course, the government is appealing, cause if this guy gets released, well, they'd just have to release everybody else now wouldn't they. *and John Ashcroft would just be left crying somewhere*


A human rights group is suing Donald Rumsfeld over the torture and humiliation of 8 detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan. It ain't just a few guys "following orders, it's the guys who okayed or created those orders, Don. *admittedly, part is wondering if Bush's people are looking to see whether this falls into the class-action suit ban they just set up, cause you know there'll be more...*

Condi says NO, Canadaaaa, cancelling an April meeting with them after they said "No frickin' way!" to joining the missile defense sheild. So no meetint with the high-heeled boots (and riding crop) of Condoleeza...not unless Paul asks her nicely (*whip crack*)

AND apparently the approval rating for the Social Security privatization plan is %35 and slipping. Guess all those educational trips have been backfiring as it appears the more people learn about it, they don't like it. Paul Krugman in the New York Times feels that you should "Just Say No". You might want to tell your Congressfolk that, too, don't ya think?

and just cause we all could use a chuckle...Kevin Millar, the guy on the Sox who coined the phrase "Cowboy Up" is in talks to be taken care of by the Fab Five on Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. I don't think they realize how much work has to be done, man...

So while you think about how Carson Kressley will deal with Millar's admitted "red neck" fashion sense, KEEP E-MAILING!! e-mail, call, write, fax your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!!! and as always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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