Monday, March 14, 2005

how fast can I type?

Okay, I got half an hour before I have to leave but feel that I HAVE to do this let's see what I can get done between phone calls...

Okay, from the center of the obvious, the front page of yesterday's NY Times, there's an article called "The Message Machine". Basically, the government has been giving news outlets pre-packaged reports...and forgetting to mention that THEY put them together. yeah surprise there, particularly after that whole press payola thing. I'm wondering...was it just not possible for Nixon or was he just too cheap as I figure he totally would have dug this plan...

Though, you know, sometimes the propaganda just doesn't work...such as with the 60 day 60 city Social Security Rocks! tour Bush and friends have been pulling. According to the latest Washington Post/ABC poll, barely a third of the nation thinks that his plan is a good idea and as people educate themselves about it, they like it less (hence Bush not likin' that edumacation...)

And speaking of George on tour and talkin' bout education...apparently, while talking about Social Security and how it's about to go to hell and bring us all down with it if we don't change it RIGHT NOW, he's been getting real spunky on the road...and in general. Dave Letterman has a bit on his show about George laughs at inappropriate times, well, now he's letting loose with the bad jokes-including ones about how he's the C- student, the guy next to him's the PhD, and he's the President HAHAHA! he avoided talking about this during the first term, but now he's loose and just don't care. Not like other politicians do this, but dude...timing, george, timing..and you got writers - USE THEM...

In the meantime, while the GOP should be at least a little concerned with George getting a little too loose "on tour" they're more worried-and rightly so about Tom DeLay. The GOPers are backing off, whispering...

And speaking of concern...poor Senator Stevens of Alaska. He apparently is "seriously depressed" after fighting for 24 years for artic drilling...cause God willing, he'll fail again (please call your Congessfolk and make sure that the artic drilling does NOT make it into the budget and then we'll hook up Stevens with some Zoloft...)

And speaking of the environment, George, while waiting for the apocolypse, has decided that the trading of mercury pollution is okay and actually helpful...yeah, for industry.

And in the "things George doesn't wanna hear" catergory, particularly when it's from a government study, "A Government Reort on Aviation Warns of Security Holes". taking off our shoes is not enough...

and at last...some GOOD news... a court in California has declared the ban on gay marriage unconsitutional...of course it is likely to be appealed, but they already tried that in MA..didn't work there...go thank California will ya :)

In the meantime...KEEP E-MAILING!!! and pass it on! Time's up!

Peace --Alex


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