Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cornhusker country...

Omaha-ans..that's the official name for residents of Omaha, so say my host Ryan and his roommate Tony, both of whom are natives of this fine city and who've been charming hosts. I also have to say that they are prime examples of healthy corn-fed boys as they are both strapping and over six feet tall.
I interviewed them today as we took a break from walking nearly the entire expanse of the Omaha Zoo which is apparently the number two zoo in the country. I asked them if they had been asked the question and while Ryan has gotten it as an American in Europe, Tony gets it all the time as he happens to be Italian, Mexican and black. "People are curious, and it's no big deal..." he said. The two of them also deal with the stereotypes of being from Nebraska "You live on a farm? You have a John Deere?" Ryan has actually told folks that sure, he goes cow tipping and rides around in his truck with a twelve pack of beer, "gun next to me...we shoot clay pigeons..." Ryan is actually far from the stereotype as an amateur aviator and business owner. Tony is also working on being a professional pilot and both, with their laid back manner and speech could seem more like surfers than farmers; but you do get the feel from these guys that they are hard working, decent people: another yet different part of the Midwestern stereotype. (Okay, okay...Ryan may actually have a John Deere as his business is landscaping.) Overall, the "what are you?" here appears to be more regional than ethnic, and at least with these guys, they'd rather not label things anyway...though they do take issue with Ohio being considered Midwest.

Onward to Denver!


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