Wednesday, March 30, 2005

george and the women

Oh George, George, George...he really is a stubborn boy cause he STILL is trying to push ahead with his social security plan and Iraq despite the fact that his approval ratings are plummeting quicker than a Hollywood neckline.

I am sure he was not please to hear, as I heard this morning on NPR (but have not seen any related articles to link to), that a judge said NO, you CAN'T just randomly transfer detainees from Guantanamo to their home countries or someplace else without giving 30 days notice and telling folks exactly where they are being sent. Yes, George this totally screws with your administrations plans to sneak them out of Cuba and torture them someplace else. Sorry George and Mr. Alvarez.

And speaking of people George doesn't want to listen to, AARP has been shovelling out over 5 Million dollars for ads against his Social Security plan, and they're not done yet. They may be old, George, but, like my mom, they're feisty and they're pissed.

And speaking of it all being about the advertising, there are folks getting out the money against Tom DeLay, using him as a symbol of GOP greed and corruption...will THIS at long last get that man out of office and into a 6X9 cell with some guy named "Hammer"?

And speaking of trying to speak out against corruption, obviously these people trying to sit in on a "town meeting" about Social Security in Colorado forgot to sign the loyalty oath as they, while not having caused any disruption, were "ushered out" by a GOP staffer after it was revealed that they had a "No more blood for oil" sticker on their car. *would you like silver or black duct tape across your mouth?*


Laura's On The March!! Not to be upstaged by Condoleeza *whip crack* Rice, Laura Bush made her way to Afghanistan this week to "express solidarity with Afghan women", pushing for more education programs and rights.
Okay, so while you're pushing for rights over there, could you come backand do the same here? You know, tell those pharmacies in up to 20 states that they cannot NOT give a woman her contraception prescription just because of their religious beliefs? And perhaps also, ask George to change his AIDS plan in Africa which is based on abstinence, marital stability with "condoms as a distant third" as women are DYING cause their married husbands are fooling around, getting AIDS and refusing to wear condoms, therefore infecting their wives. And then there are the men who've been told-and BELIEVE-that if they have sex with a virgin they'll be cured, hence hundreds of girls are getting raped and infected with HIV. With a new, stronger strain of AIDS discovered here, one might want to take a step back and re-evaluate the AIDS plan over there...and HERE. Just sayin'...

SO, what does this mean? You might want to drop George and Laura a note and KEEP E-MAILING!!! E-mail, call, write, fax your friends and family, the press, your Congressfolk and THE WHITE HOUSE and let them know that you are paying attention!! I'd add more but they're makin' me do my JOB!!! frightening! Peace and Happy SPRING!!!

Peace --Alex


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