Friday, March 25, 2005

another quickie entry...

So I was out of the office for a couple of days to do the Met Opera Chorus call and then get my taxes done, and I return and again, there's too much too talk about and too little time.

It's all pretty much another big entry of "things George doesn't want to hear" such as:

*A new poll says the Evangelicals don't want the government involved Terry Schiavo and her feeding tube.

*Just call him "Teflon" Tom DeLay was heard ON TAPE saying that the Schiavo case was the perfect case with which to push the "pro-life" agenda, AND ABC news recieved a memo that was only supposed to go to Republicans stating this as well.

*The Chippewa community in Minnesota where a student shot a number of students, a teacher and a security guard before turning the gun on himself has beenm wondering why Bush hasn't called...Bush claims he has called a couple of times but only got the voicemail. (please see wonkette for this blurb as well as the Craig's List reactions to the Terry Schiavo case)

*It's official. medicare is in worse trouble than social security. (it's kinda like Jon Stewart saying Bush was a letter off when deciding to attack Iraq or Iran...medicare and social security are in the same vacinity...)

And last but not least...according to CNN, an tunnel was found at an Iraqi prison. ADmittedly there was a part of me that was going "RUN! RUN!"

In the meantime KEEP E-MAILING!!!!! Even when your sleep deprived and too busy! Let your friends and family, the press and your COngressfolk know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!! and pass it on pass it on pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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