Tuesday, March 29, 2005

if it works on Bolton...

perhaps it might work on Wolfowitz...59 ex-diplomats who worked for Democratic and Republican administrations have all signed a letter asking the Senate to reject the nomination of John Bolton to ambassador to the UN. Now we all know, like all the Presidential nominees to high positions, Bolton talks a whole lot of crazy, but these ex-diplomats make special mention of his "insistence that the UN is valuable only when it directly serves the United States." (don't they realize with that thinking of course he's PERFECT for the job!)

IN THE MEANTIME...Porter Goss I'm sure has been guzzling Pepto all day as a presidential report (that's right George, these are your people that looked into this), just released gives a "searing critique" of the CIA and other intelligence agencies about how the handled Iraq before going in and since (such as not really being sure about Saddam and how much-or little-of a threat he really was...this has never been a fact oriented administration, you notice?)

And speaking of things George doesn't wanna hear...despite his being the "compassionate conservative" and trying to "unite" the nation, "Partisan Polarization Intensified In 2004 Election". Yeah I think we figured that one out, but just in case you needed further confirmation...

Though I'm sure George is smiling a confused grin (can we just thnak Dave Letterman for his segments such as "Inappropriate Smile"?) at this latest study. Apparently, College faculties are not only predominately liberal, they're even more left than originally thought. %72 percent of professors consider themselves liberal compared to %15 who see themselves as conservative. At the "most (damn intellectual) elite" schools, the disparity is greater at 87% liberal to 13% conservative. *"All those stupid edumacated liberals. Why have they got to think they're better than us cause they talk gooder? Laura was a teacher and what good did it do her? Oh wait..she met ME...yeah that's it...and she hasn't had to teach since...HA!"*

And speaking of smart people, it's those "conservative intelligentsia" (you know Rove is looking to kick them out or is just hunting for his mind control agent) who are causing a ruckus in Congress over Bush's personal accounts...they're just looking for that idea to just goo away..

And speaking of conservatives turning on their own, the Wall Street Journal, of all papers, apparently had an editorial against DeLay leaving him thinking: "Et tu, Wall Street Journal?" hey even they can only take so much. Will somebody just put that man in prison...please?

And speaking of Tom DeLay and other Republicans trying to take over the world with their own less bloody yet no less loud version of the Crusades, Paul Krugman makes note of how perhaps we ought to let these "extremists" know that we are paying attention and see them for what they really are...

All right, after all that, we could use a chuckle, and mine is how the Red Sox did beat the Yanks in Spring Training today 7p-3p.

AND it appears that SPRING has actually SPRUNG in New York City. YEE HA!!

But before you go out there and enjoy the last of the sunshine and 50+ degree weather, I ask you one favor: KEEP E-MAILING!! E-mail, call, write, fax your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!!! and as always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!!

Peace --Alex


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