Friday, January 08, 2010

If only...

Despite the fact that I do indeed like various Fox network TV shows, part of me wishes that Time Warner Cable and Fox had NOT made their deal and Fox ended up no longer on even basic cable. Then, perhaps, some of those FoxNews watchers would somehow force themselves to watch public television, or something more moderate like CNN...and then perhaps The Daily Show. They might scream at the television at first, but then, slowly but surely, they might just end up listening...and perhpas think about what they heard...mull it over...realize that Glenn Beck is a bigoted freak - you know, stuff like that...

A girl can dream can't she?

Particularly after seeing a friend's post on Facebook about how when visiting his family in Missouri, he saw signs around the area about how Obama's out to "take our guns!"; or having my mother tell me how, when listening to a talk radio show discussing the Massachusetts Senate race, some guy said he was voting for Scott Brown [the republican candidate] as he didn't want to vote for a "socialist" [that would be Democratic and Kennedy family-endorsed candidate Martha Coakley]...I mean come on people!!! You're drinkin' the Kool-Aid! Kool-Aid mixed by Gleen Beck and Rush Limbaugh and Brit Hume - that much hate makes it mighty bitter and most likely the color of puse, but, like drinking that mystery college bath tub punch, they are drinking it anyway...

Now mind you, Rush and his ilk joke that progressives have been drinking the Kool-Aid as well - and that Chris Dodd and *Byron Dorgan decided they'd had enough and were leaving, but, not surprisingly, they did not focus on the real reason these gentleman are retiring. They are not tired of the "Obama Kool-Aid". They are tired of the extreme partisanship from which they cannot seem to escape, particularly now that Ted Kennedy - who could work with everybody - is no longer there as a buffer. Rush and Glenn and the rest of them can chortle over the Dems faltering, but what GOOD is such GOP pompousness actually going to elad to. It's not like they are doing this for the people. They are doing this because they can't stand the fact that they lost power. Like a cult leader trying to hold to his dwindling flock, they are going to extremes...and asking their most devout to aid them in poisoning the well water.

Luckily, should one of those most devout actually turn on - I was going say the Leher News Hour but that may be too elitist for them...start with The Daily's funny and more to the point. So say, that one of these tea Party Devotees turns on The Daily Show and actually listens to how Bush waited six days and remained on vacation when Richard Reed tried to blow up a plane (let alone wasted far too much time the morning of 9/11), and learns that conservative criticism of Obama's waiting 72 hours to respond - while at the White House and talking to all the folks who could give him the information that woudl allow him to make a proper assessment - to the Detroit incident is actually kind of childish...petty...peevish even. The Daily Show is also a great start for the Glenn Beck Devotee as not only is it funny, it teases BOTH SIDES, unlike the majority of FoxNews programming.

The honeymoon with Obama may be over - he has comprimised a bit too much this first year in office - but, you know what? He has at least TRIED to work with the Republicans. He has TRIED to be reasonable and consider all parties. But like with many a dysfunctional office relationship, the Republicans remain the stubborn and unreasonable crazy ex you still have work with, who would rather make your life miserable than find a mature way to deal with the situation (like not doing anything about the mess they left in the office you are taking over).

Keep paying attention, people. And like all girls learn when they first go bar hopping, don't accept a drink you haven't seen poured.

Peace --Alex

*I didn't want to mention it earlier, but doesn't Byron Dorgans's name sound like part of the first part of the Def Leopard song "Photograph"? I know you heard it...


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