Friday, September 25, 2009

Public option... again, why we need it...

A good friend of mine back in MA would like to get state health insurance. She is unemployed (just lost out on a job she waited 3 MONTHS to hear about), supplements her groceries at the local food pantry, but because she made just that little bit over the limit to qualify for state health insurance, she can't get it until NEXT year.

Another woman I know, who just got a great new job, has to be considered "part-time", despite the fact that she works there five days a week, because the company can't afford health insurance for their employees at this time. She luckily qualified for state health this year, but by next year, there's a chance she'll have officially made too much, lose the qualification and possibly have to go without unless her company a) starts doing better financially and can actually afford to provide health care OR b) a decent and affordable public option becomes available.

There are far too many stories like this out there and yours might be one of them. Please call, write, fax and/or email you congressfolk and make sure they support the public option. Perhaps even send them this video for a chuckle that still hits home.

IN THE MEANTIME...The the Yankees this weekend. The Yanks had the day off yesterday therefore will essentially be more rested. Or perhaps just more cocky and will not be ready for the beat down the Red Sox would like to give them. Let us think positively for the boys in Red this evening and...GO SOX!

Peace and Keep Paying Attention!



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