Tuesday, September 06, 2005

hurricanes, t-shirts and mom, oh my!

As the President and his FEMA director Michael Brown couldn't get things together in time, private citizens have been taking up the slack over the last week since Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. One of those private citizens is named Hector Hoyos and he has gotten a bunch of trucks together as of this weekend, and they are sitting on 65th and Broadway here in NYC waiting to take your stuff. They will leave with whatever you bring them and head down as of 9am tomorrow morning to a major refugee site in Baton Rouge. I brought over baby wipes and water myself today on my lunch break and was witness to numerous New Yorkers doing the same thing-dropping off clothes, baby supplies, feminine supplies, water, and food: makes me proud to be a New York resident.

And speaking of some positive things...
*as just heard on NPR here, Hillary Clinton is looking to introduce legislation to place FEMA back under cabinet status as "no was in charge in the federal government..."

*also heard on NPR, Ted Kennedy has asked for the firing of FEMA "I couldn't control horse judges let alone a major catastrophe!" director Michael Brown. As Bush thinks he's doing a "fine job", this may not happen without distinct pressure, so you might want to send your senators a little note.

*Yes, this time you can really blame the mother...you wonder how George came out this way and then Barbara Bush says things like this...with the cameras and tape recorders running:

"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality," she said during a radio interview with the American Public Media program "Marketplace." "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."

*You been wondering where Karl Rove is? He's been found! and The Times is talking about him! Karl Rove (evil genius) and his sidekick "devilboy" Dan Bartlett have been strategizing...what else is new? They are "enact[ing] a plan to ease political damage". As in turning on the serious spin, though I would like to believe that everyone who's been watching the rescue farce, has figured out that all of George's visits are photo-ops, not check-ins with the victims.

*moewampum tees have come out with a t-shirt from the heart: George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People.

*The Governor of Louisiana, you may notice in TV reports, pretty much won't go near the President, and has called in James Lee Witt (remember him, he actually knew how to run FEMA) to take care of things down there 'cause obviously George and friends haven't been able to do anything

*Bill Frist went down there to see the horror for himself this past weekend and has since stayed, offering his medical services...and to say "this is an utter failure..." about the rescue effort. Ya hearing that, George?

*MoveOn.com has gotten offers of over 150,000 beds, couches, etc for refugees and if you have one to spare, click here.

*Red Sox Pitcher Curt Schilling and his family are putting up a family of nine from the Gulf Coast. Apparently they are flying them up here and putting them up in a hotel for a year while they try to get resettled... (and they were trying to do this quietly, but then it got out and people like me gotta pass it around).

Good things are indeed happening...and perhaps impeachment could be next :p

Peace --Alex


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