Monday, August 29, 2005

this is how the summer is ending...

It is August 29th and all of us, particularly I'm sure, a certain President in Texas, are wondering what the hell has happened to summer? Just when you thought you were on vacation...

But I'm sure George is biking the stress off as he continues to ignore Cindy Sheehan and Al Sharpton and Martin Sheen who came to visit her...(even former Nixon-man Ben Stein said in his opinion monologue on CBS Sunday Morning yesterday that he believes that if Bush can find the time to ride his bike everyday, he can find the time to meet "with a grieving mother...")

And I'll bet he might have taken an extra loop of the grounds after he got the news that Senator John Warner, head of the Armed Services Committee asked that Donald Rumsfeld testify before a panel on Iraq (George could be goin' "Whew! glad it's not just me...") *"Excuse Mr. Secretary, could you tell us just what the f*** went wrong here?"*

Might have stayed out a little longer taking care of the brush when he heard that the Washington Post ("liberal rag...who the hell do they think they are? You know what I'm talking about Barney?" [reaches for another small pile of dead shrubbery]) reported a story about Bunnatine H. Greenhouse (how do you do that to your child..."Bunnatine"? sorry sorry sorry) and how she has been demoted from her government contracting job for "poor performance reviews"...which of course means, she spoke out against Haliburton...Unfortunately you can say things like this and keep your job at the Pentagon:

"I can unequivocally state that the abuse related to contracts awarded to KBR represents the most blatant and improper abuse I have witnessed" in 20 years working on government contracts,"

and George possibly asked Condi for a copy of this article from the Times about how women are leading the anti-war fight so, after she left, he could gleefully burn it ("heh heh heh...see Barney? I'm not letting them get to me...heh heh heh...")...before Laura got home from doing errands..somewhere in Crawford...

and perhaps rested his head in Condi's lap while she rubbed his temples-before Laura got home-after hearing that, despite there being a draft constitution in Iraq being sent to Parliament, the Sunni negotiators have rejected it and have been protesting. Meanwhile Condi has been hiding articles about how, while she and the US talk big, the middleeast remains fractious...("the people aren't supposed to know that Condi!!!...Hold me...")

and even he must have been fiercely embarrassed when hearing about this "when you have friends like this..." article mentioning a group from a homespun Baptist church who decided to protest at funerals for American servicemen who had died at Iraq, saying that God is punshing American soldiers for defending a country that tolerates takes all kind of crazy, don't it? (and I'm tellin' ya, these have got to be the same people who were at the March for Women's Lives as they not only had the "God Hates You!" signs, but apparently they are all from one family and if ever there were inbred lookin' folks...)

Thank goodness there was some good news for George, like hearing about how there has been a "near record level" of state legislative restrictions this year on women's access to abortion services and contraception: "Three states have passed bills requiring that women seeking an abortion be warned that the fetus will feel pain, despite inconclusive scientific data on the question. West Virginia and Florida approved legislation recognizing a pre-viable fetus, or embryo, as an independent victim of homicide. And in Missouri, Gov. Matt Blunt (R) has summoned lawmakers into special session Sept. 6 to consider three antiabortion proposals."

And don't forget, George, we got a hurricane going on...("I'm gonna need a vacation from my vacation!")

So in the meantime, we can at least take a little solace knowing that at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts, a centuries' old mosaic is being restored. It was rescued from it's destroyed villa in Turkey: The House of the Drinking Contest...("Hey, I think I went there!")

So while you think about how the heck you can slow down time before Labor Day, KEEP E-MAILING!!!! E-mail, call, fax, write, your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are paying attention! And pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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