Monday, June 20, 2005

Porter Goss actually KNOWS....

where bin Laden is. Or at least, he claims to have an "excellent idea" or where the man is, but due to "weak links" in the war on terrorism and "US respect for sovereign nations" (yeah, I can hear you go "WHAT?!?!?!?" from here at my desk), we are unable to go in and get him.

Now I want to know 1) how long has Goss has this "excellent idea" of bin Laden's whereabouts 2) Did he tell George and his people that he had an "excellent idea" of where bin Laden was and 3)what is the difference between invading one "sovereign nation" where a) there were no WMD or threat of terror and b) going into a nation where bin Laden actually is and we supposedly have the support of the government in the war on terror and they could help us actually get the guy? I'm just thinkin' out loud here...

IN THE MEANTIME...speaking of the war on terror, a new report has been issued saying that, at present, the FBI people that are heads of counterterrorism apparently "lack experience"...our President ought to know about all about that...

And just now on the radio, apparently George has said, to dispute criticism of Guantanamo, that any reporter can go on in and see the place for themselves *can you hear the mad scrubbing of the floors, the clean-up of the detainees, wound care, make-up, sudden menu change, the removal of Christina Aguilara CD's, etc* PLEASE tell me that someone made an appointment today to check out Gitmo? Perhaps you want to urge your network and local reporters to take George up on the offer....*is there also perhaps scrambling at the White House with his people goin' "he said what?!?!?"*

Perhaps George made this offer out of mild frustration over all the articles about how the people don't really care for him right now and that his power appears to be "ebbing"...

And it can't help that, as the Dems continue to filibuster John Bolton, a report has come out declaring that since Bolton left his last job, thinking his nomination was a slam dunk, policy has changed and uh...things are actually getting done now...

Or that it's come out that Phil Cooney isn't the only one doctoring things...apparently, a witness for a major federal tobacco case was told by the Justice Department flunkies to soften his testimony or be removed from the witness list..

So as George has a temper tantrum in the Oval Office, let's give him a little more reason for it with Joe Biden, the Dem who has actually not been mincing so many words with George, has essentially announced that he would like to run in '08...

All right, the clock is running out here at work but, don't let that keep you from E-MAILING!!! E-mail, call, write, fax your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are paying attention!!! And as always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on...

Peace --Alex


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