Friday, June 03, 2005

Ben Bradlee...

I was watching the Lehrer News Hour last night and caught his interview with former Washington Post Editor Ben Bradlee. The guys who were implicated, went to jail or just looooooved them some Richard Nixon (Chris Closson, G. Gordon Liddy, Pat Buchanan) have called Mark Felt a criminal rather than a hero. When asked by Lehrer if he felt that Felt was a criminal as well he replied with the question "Where's the [criminality] in it?" - "Well, he went to the Post before going to someone in the government-" Yeah, cause, as Bradlee pointed out, everyone he would have talked to WAS INVOLVED. Suuuure Felt could have gone to the President. *"Mr. President, I've heard some...things...floating around about...some rather nefarious activities involving that break-in at the Watergate Hotel. I've written a report, sir..." Nixon takes the report from him, reads a little, puts it down. "Interesting, Felt. I'll take a look into this. Thank you." Felt leaves the Oval Office, Nixon makes a phone call "We have a problem..." Felt ends up dead from a mysterious stapling accident at his home office the next day...*


Speaking of Presidential nefariousness...The Downing Street Memo. You heard about this? Yeah, cause you all pay attention. Has this been on the news? Not so much. Well, John Conyers (I love him), wants the President to discuss this memo and let him know that we are concerned about this and want an explanation. Conyers needs 100,000 signatures and presently has 86,000 (make that 86,002 as I just signed for myself and my mother). Head over to Conyers website and sign up yourself...and then e-mail or call the press about this as SOMEONE should be talking about this, don't ya think?

As we continue in this vein...Yesterday, it was noted that George, as he met with the head of South Africa, did call the situation in Darfur genocide (Wow he talked about DARFUR!), and then said oh and by the way we are not doubling our aid to you as it "doesn't fit our budgetary process". Okay, anyone else want an explanation of THAT excuse? *1) our deficit's big enough 2) If I help you, I have to help everybody 3) Have you HEARD about Iraq? What a mess, we're gonna be there forever! Some people just don't know how to accept freedom, I tell ya 4) you know I can't promote contraception. AIDS only comes to sinners 5) Bob Geldoff is having that new concert, Live 8 I think it's called, kinda clever huh? he'll help ya out...etc etc etc*

And speaking of lame excuses, the White House and the military are gonna be coming out with several I'm sure as we hear more about the Army's inability to recruit for Iraq...I want them to tell these parents WHY they should encourage their children to join the Army and get sent to Iraq...

Newsflash of the Day: Every once in a while you get some headlines where you just go "duh!" such as today's in the NY Times: "Bush S.E.C Pick is Seen as Friend to Corporations".

And while Bush takes on another yes-man, and prepares to throw a whole bunch more into the judiciary, at least someone is talking back. Amnesty International found it offensive that George, Dick and Don thought their calling Guantanomo "the Gulag of our times" was a bit strong...

Speaking of talking back...KEEP E-MAILING!! E-mail, call, write, fax your friends and family, the press, and your Congressfolk and The White House and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!! And as always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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