Friday, April 29, 2005

Shockheaded George

Last night I went to see Shockheaded Peter which is playing off-broadway here. The play essentially is the dramatization of grim tales about naughty children...each song ending with how Flying Robert or Fidgety Phil or Harriet With The Matches "is dead" because they misbehaved.

I would like to know what kind of song they would have for Goatheaded George.

(picture sung in falsetto with an accordian, string bass and light drums)
Goatheaded George was a stubborn boy
He didn't like to share his toys
He bullied other children cause he thought he was right
To admit a mistake was cause for fright
Everything had to go his way
And if they did not, he would just say
"I'm Goatheaded George, and let it be said
if you don't agree with me, I'll have your head!"
The other children grew bored and tired
with Goatheaded George and he raised their ire
until one day he shouted too loud
and the children around him gathered a crowd
they pelted him with rocks and bashed in his head
and now Goatheaded George....

well you can guess the rest.

Yeah that's kinda how I felt after reading stuff about the press conference this morning.

In the meantime...don't let George see this article about how a Japanese business man settled where to auction his art collection...

And he probably didn't want to see this article on Laura about her interview on Jay Leno after a visit to Afghanistan: "Burquas? I didn't see any burquas anywhere..."

And KEEP E-MAILING!!!! E-mail, call, write, fax your friends and family, the press and your Congressfolk and let them know that you are PAYING ATTENTION!!! And as always pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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