Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Did I just hear correctly?

Okay...the other day I mentioned how on the Daily Show, Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert were discussing how-at least when it came to Rumsfeld- the way to keep your job at the White House was to "fail miserably". Well it appears that that is how you also get yourself a Medal of Freedom. Bush gave out three medals today...one of them to..of all people...George Tenet.


We just are all going to hell, aren't we? George Tenet got the medal of freedom for one of the worse intelligence records (pun initally not intended) ever...but he supported Bush at the right time and all the time therefore this gets you more than a gold star...it gets you the frickin' Medal of Freedom. Thank God NPR happened to mention that "the three awardees were all strong supporters of the President when he decided to go to war in Iraq..." DUH!

And people complained about Clinton letting a few people sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom!

okay, that's my rant for the afternoon :)

Peace --Alex


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