Monday, December 13, 2004

The Big Day

So the Electoral College is meeting today and tossing in their votes. Protests are planned in Ohio at the state capital, and you'd THINK, someone may want to talk about this. Surprisingly, not even Olbermann has an entry today, but that may come later after his crack staff gets all the details. In the meantime, there is at least a blip on:

and at:


cause, like with the throat-impalement story, there are some stories you just know you are drawn to. Last week I mentioned the celebrity Nativity at Madame Tussaud's in London, which has caused quite the bit of fire and brimstone from "the Catholics, Anglicans and Presbyterians", and of course, a story like that can't die. A protester apparently came in over the the weekend and knocked over Joseph (David Beckham) and Mary (Posh Spice) I ask you, offended as you may be, is that really in the spirit of Christmas?

I just want to know why they pushed "Becks and Posh" over and not Blair and Bush...

ANYWAY...if you hadn't heard it all over the news over the weekend, Bernard Kerik, the Homeland Security guy Bush chose dropped out due to not witholding taxes for his [most likely illegal immigrant] nanny. Today, they are also talking about how he most likely has ALSO had two extra-marital affairs. What I love is that no one's been talking recently about his connection to Taser International, a stun-gun company in which he has heavily invested and which has been wanting to expand their business into facets of Homeland Security. hmmmmm...yeah no conflict of interest there:

The Village Voice also did a report on him and some of his skeevier business deals which includes this quote from a Newsday reporter that has been covering him: "He couldn't run the Rikers commissary without getting greedy and making a mess, in a jam," Ellis Henican reported one corrections insider as saying. "Now he's gonna be in charge of the Department of Homeland Security? Let's just hope the terrorists don't decide to come back."

Added Henican, "He's a personal and professional time bomb the Bushies will learn to regret." perhaps, the Bushies got the idea already and asked him to politely withdraw...

Is there NO ONE in that man's cabinet who doesn't appear to not only be a "yes" man but has some sketchy business deals in their history?

Well, if you're sick of it all and just want to hit somebody try this:

Looks like it would make a great last minute Hanukkah/Christmas/Kwanzaa/Yule gift as well :)

On a more peaceful note, you oughta check out this article from the Times about an artist embedded with the troops:

And what keeps the peace? E-MAILING! to friends, family, the press and your Congressfolk! Keep getting the word out, ladies and gentleman and perhaps we'll finally have some sort of regulated, national voting system at long damn last...and the "irregularities" will show this President and his people for what they are. Pass it on, pass it on, pass it on :)

Peace --Alex


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