Thursday, November 11, 2004

and another thing...

Did I mention that the polar ice caps are melting? Oh yeah, that was in the news as well this week, as my friend Walter reminded me. They did a great bit on the Daily Show last night (go to the Comedy Central Website and download last night's show--they did a great piece on voter fraud in Florida as well), but do check Yahoo News as well. Basically, with Global Warming-cause yes it actually does exist-causing the melting of the polar ice caps up to 3 feet, parts of DC and New York could be underwater by 2100. Though apparently, this is great for Russian business as they'll be finally able to get some ships through soon-to-be-formerly ice packed waterways (if I may steal from The Daily Show: "we'll finally be able to get all those nesting dolls..."). AND for all of George's and Dick's friends in oil, the melting ice will reveal OIL RESERVES. Woo hoo! Let the drilling begin! If I may rant for a moment: Who CARES if we lose several species of artic creature (polar bears, sea lions, birds etc), there's OIL up in them there ice caps, gosh darnit.
Can Kyoto meet without us and just override the US?...wait, I think they tried that last time...All right, time to write, call, e-mail, fax all the foreign nations who believe that this is happening and WILL be showing up at the environmental summit and nag them...also try this tactic on your Congresspeople...Oh this is a long morning...

We got voter fraud.

We got the death of Arafat.

We got potential environmental mayhem.

And we have Bush in office...

Viva La Revolucion! Keep up the fight, my friends :)

(was anybody else thinking on November 3rd "isn't time for a good coup?")

Peace --Alex


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