Friday, February 16, 2007

Bush I's head explodes...

Or at least I fear it will soon. Earlier in the week, W. said that his father is very upset about the news coverage he's been getting and he just told his dad to just stop watching the news.

My first thought was, "Um, George, your dad's not upset about that so much as he's most likely crying about how if Jeb were in office, we might not be where we are today...'why did the DUMB son get into office...what did I do to deserve this?'"

And who else is picturing George in the Oval pounding his fists on the table going "I-want-to-go-into-IRAN!!! Why-won't-anybody-listen-to-me?!?!" The tantrums he must be having over Congress fighting him on his escalation, let alone being suspicious of the intelligence on Iran (go figure!)...Again I can't help but picture him sitting on the floor cross-legged with his hands over his ears shouting "LA!LA!LA!LA!LA!LA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Particularly, as he is talking about putting more of a force in Afghanistan. I don't where he thinks we're gonna get the soldiers, but I just love that ONLY NOW has he come to realize that YES the Taliban has regrouped and is out to retake the country...but of course this has nothing to do with the fact that we sent soldiers away from Afghanistan to go fight in a country that we didn't need to fight in...

it just make my head hurt, man...just makes my head hurt...

hence I am just going to email and call my Congressfolk, remind them to vote against the escalation and consentrate on the fact that pitchers and catchers started in Florida today and despite the bracing winds outside, a sure sign of Spring has begun.

Peace --Alex


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