Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Vote In Iraq it has taken me three days to get to this, but here we go...
1/29 - Yes, Iraq will vote in a number of hours, while many of expatriate Iraqis have already performed their duty at polling stations acorss the country. It is an historic moment for the country, as the people of Iraq have not had the opportunity to vote for over 30 years. They are finally able to vote for their own government. They will no longer be ruled by a dictator nor a provisional government.

Yet, while I see the pictures of expatriate Iraqis coming out of the booths, some wrapped in Iraqi flags, others merely weeping with joy, I cannot shake my doubts of how effective this truly will be. One would hope that turn out will be strong enough and a decent government that the people believe in will be properly elected. But with many being too afraid to go the polls, and entire groups shunning the elections...well, it just leaves me worried.

And knowing that due to the American occupation, Iraq has become a breeding ground for terrorists. yahoo-oo-oo
NY Times
NY Times...again
NY Times...they had a lot of good stuff today

1/30 - Today on CBS Sunday morning a report showed how one ad provided the most inspiration for folks to hit the polls as the IED's exploded around them-one that shows American troops leaving after the vote (we're talking computer generated footage of tanks, trucks and troops filing out in a long line towards the horizon, away from their country), well it says to me that these people have not heard George's speech the other day that "the Iraqis will want us to stay!"

1/31 And of course, today, Bush declares the vote a victory...but there's still fighting to come...Ya think?!?!
NY Times

According to Wonkette, a "pro-US Mayor" over there wants to build a statue to George...please go the site to see their reaction to this request as it is priceless...


In my previous entry, I mentioned how George and Co. were reaching out to the black vote for his Social Security initiative, saying that blacks are shortchanged by the present system. Well, an economist has come out saying "uh...that's not true George..."

AND, once again, the Homeland Security job seems harder and harder to fill. I've mentioned that folks have had doubts about Chertoff...well, they're growing...Washington Post
See, you should know that you are in trouble when a phrase in an article about you includes the phrase "critics contend that he was not candid with the senators, and was perhaps misleading about the nature of the tactics he pursued."

Bloggerman has not been covering the Iraq vote on his blog, but he has been in quite the e-battle with Dr. Dobson of the group that said that Spongebob was gay. You should go to his blog to see how far these people are willing to go...Bloggerman

And if there is one positive lesson we can learn from Dr. Dobson, it is to KEEP E-MAILING! E-mail, call, write, fax your friends and family, the Press and your Congressfolk. Let them know that you are PAYING ATTETION!!! And as always, pass it on, pass it on, pass it on! friend Fred sent me a a link to a great website. It is called No Sweat and they provide comfy clothes UNION MADE and they are out to fight the sweat shops. AND they're having a SALE!!! Check out their stuff at: No Sweat

And if anyone would like to congratulate me on finally figuring out the hyperlink thing, feel free...unless you can't get into the links and I've screwed it up again :p

Peace --Alex


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