Monday, January 24, 2005

cause there's always a little something else...

So, I'm looking at my Washington Post headlines again and I see this article that the Bush ADministration is going to use two democrats to bolster their insistance that Social Security needs to be saved. Who are these Democrats: Bill Clinton and Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

Yeah, I also went WHAT?!?! whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?

Well, they are using ONE LINE from Bill Clinton: "Save Social Security First". What they DON'T mention is that Clinton was trying to keep the pols from doing what George is planning to do. They are just assuming that nobody really was paying attention to him anyway; that no one is going to look into the details, cause, you know, who needs them?; and they are hoping that all these "ditto" Republicans are going to be use the argument to their Democratic friends "Well, you're guy Clinton said it needed to be saved, so there!"

PLEASE e-mail, call fax, write your Congresspeople about this and DO NOT be one of those who does not check all the details. That is what they keep hoping for and have been doing for the last four years and what they will continue to do for the next four years. They don't want you to pay attention so they can slide by bad bills at bad times and make it look like they just gave us each a big present. That's fools gold in that little goody bag, so don't let them get away with it!

pass it on, pass it on, pass it on!

Peace --Alex


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